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SIA Team

Grants that keep giving!

Today is about giving back! After Black Friday and Cyber Monday Giving Tuesday invites us to put our thanksgiving gratitude into action by helping others. 

Spirit in Action giving happens everyday. Giving between neighbors in rural Malawi. Giving between grandparents and children in Meru, Kenya. Giving between students and teachers at schools in Eldoret, Kenya. Giving between donors and families ready to start businesses in Uganda.

In this season of giving, here are just 3 of many generous acts happening now!

Bricks are fired to last through the rainy season. A big investment that Nancy and Lastina acn now make.

Bricks are fired to last through the rainy season. A big investment that Nancy and Lastina can now make.

A big investment by successful business women

Nancy and Lastina Nkosi (Malawi) started a grocery kiosk with a SIA Small Business Fund $150 grant. The business is still thriving after 18 months and they are ready to expand! “We were able to buy 10,000 bricks to renovate my shop,” writes Nancy.

These two women are proud to know how to run a business. As part of SIA’s pay-it-forward initiative, Sharing the Gift, they are training other women about marketing and record-keeping. A wonderful example of how a small pebble can ripple out to the whole pond!

You can see the joy in Chimwemwe and her sister's eyes as they proudly show off their new school supplies!

You can see the joy in Chimwemwe and her sister’s eyes as they proudly show off their new school supplies!

Making education a reality

Elementary education is free in Malawi, but high school can make a huge dent on the family budget. When I was in Malawi, I heard over and over about the importance of education for both girls and boys.

Before, a high school education was just a dream for Chimwemwe. Now, the success of Hasting and Mercy’s Shalom Fish Selling business has made their daughter’s dream a reality! SIA grants keep giving to the next generation!

Speaking of education…

Samro Polytechnic School in Eldoret, Kenya is open and classes are in session! Over 200 students are already beginning to learn valuable skills in tailoring and computer skills.

Sameul Teimuge is impressed by the students and the community support, “At the end of school term there were many pupils who did well in computer lessons. Both teachers and parents are motivated and they didn’t complain when fees the Kshs. 1,000 ($11) for computer was included in the school fees.

A SIA Community Grant bought 6 new computers for the school.

A SIA Community Grant bought 6 new computers for the school.


The computer teacher, Dalmas, giving guidance to students at Samro Polytechnic.

We are honored to be part of this wide web of generous giving! Will your giving this Christmas also include giving to people all across the world?

P.S. SIA Honor Cards are a way to honor friends and family this season while also supporting families in Kenya, Malawi, and Uganda. Donate online and then print off a card to let them know of the gift.

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