Today’s blog post is a message of togetherness from our Spirit in Action North American Board President, Diana Halpenny.
In this time of uncertainty and adjusting, we remain committed to helping communities in Eastern Africa thrive. In the coming weeks, we’ll be reaching out to our partners to hear from them about their needs and how we can best support them. We are seeing, all around the world, the power and resiliency of community. Everywhere, there is wealth of love, caring, and sharing.

Children are the core of community in Manyamula Village, Malawi.
From Diana Halpenny, SIA Board President:

Hello my friends, I trust you are all doing well, and not feeling too isolated in this time of “shelter in place.” Know you are all in my thoughts and prayers.
I wanted to share with you my morning reading from Joyce Rupp’s Book called Fragments of Your Ancient Name. Today’s reading is entitled “Core of Community,” and it references Acts 2:43-47.
“With you as the nucleus Of every group that gathers, Differences are respected And tensions are overcome. Those speaking from the edge Gain a listening ear. Compassion thrives. Egos maintain a low profile. With you as Core of Community Peace abides and love abounds.”
So, my dear friends, in this time of physical isolation, know that we are not isolated in any other sense. Rather, we are connected through our hearts, through our thoughts, and through Spirit.
I am so grateful for all of you, and for this beautiful Core of Community that we have created.
With deep love and peace, Diana
