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See your Spirit in Action!

Join us in forming relationships that are transformational instead of transactional by supporting people around the world to live into their full potential, moving out of poverty towards prosperity. Each and every contribution is a commitment to making the world a better place for all. Thank you for your support!

Tanya greets Sister Magrina, who is wearing a blue habit, in front of a mud and stick home in Kenya


Donations of all amounts are welcome anytime. Your contribution will go directly to supporting families and communities to realize their dreams.


To donate by mail, please send a check to:
Spirit in Action
PO Box 3384
Santa Cruz, CA 95063

Malawian man smiles in his shop. Behind him is soap, candy, and other household supplies for sale.


Empower people around the world to thrive over the long-term! Become a member of the Dreamer’s Circle by supporting the work of SIA one month, or one quarter at a time. 

  • The best way to make monthly donations is through your bank’s Online Bill Pay. You can add Spirit in Action as a “payee” using our address. Then you can set an amount to be sent as a recurring payment.

  • Set up a recurring payment through our online form or PayPal.

  • Call the SIA office (831-706-2742) and set up a recurring donation with your credit card.

Del Anderson, Lucile Anderson, and Jim Thomas pose together in a photo from the 1990s.


The Del Anderson Legacy Circle honors donors who give to Spirit in Action through bequests, trusts, or other legacy gifts. Your planned gift can help us carry out Del’s dream by supporting people around the world to live into their full potential and move out of poverty towards prosperity. 


These gifts ensure continued economic opportunities and meaningful relationships for those who are in need today and for future generations to come.

Barbara and Naomi hug each other and smile.


Give a meaningful gift to your loved ones by sharing the joy of Spirit in Action. Any donations made on behalf of someone come with the option of a beautifully printed card, notifying them of your gift. If you need help with printing, or want a customized card, please get in touch!

Get Involved: Get Involved

SIA Celebrates 25 Years of Community Partnership

Support transformational grassroots change in Eastern Africa!


PO Box 3384

Santa Cruz, CA 95063

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