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Building a Malawi Training Center

In February Brasswell and Felista Nkhonjera received a SIA grant to build a Training Center to teach people in their community about bio-intensive gardening. Their goal for this project is:

“To improve the living condition for the orphans and needy widows through enhancing capacity for bio-intensive gardening to improve food security and mitigation disaster effects for their families.”

They are working together with members of their community to build the Training Center and begin growing vegetables using the sustainable, ecological techniques of bio-intensive gardening, such as double-digging the garden beds and composting. They report “We have started this project by faith.”

Here are pictures of the bricks for the Training Center building and Felista watering the garden.Click on the picture thumbnails to seethe picture full size.

Bricks for the new training center

Bricks for the new training center

Sand for making the bricks

Sand for making the bricks

Felista waters the garden

Felista waters the garden

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