Supporting the whole family in Uganda
Throughout the pandemic and national elections in Uganda, grassroots organizations like KADI-U are continuing their community-level...
Supporting the whole family in Uganda
Creating a more inclusive Uganda
Factory jobs in Nairobi: It’s complicated….
Training youth to run better businesses
Training leads to jobs in Nairobi
Top 5 SIA Moments of 2015
A time to renew our shared vision
What is an OFSP??
Education and a New Job for Gladys
Do-It-Together Savings!
What’s new with SIA these days?
The Parable of the Big Idea
Positive Change in Uganda
“Chopping” Poverty through Business Training
New Businesses Come to Life in Uganda
Be an Angel Investor
Realizing potential with just $150! Small Business Fund FAQs
SIA grant helps prisoners in Ghana
Building a Malawi Training Center
New SIA Small Business Fund groups in Uganda