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A connection-centered movement

SIA Team

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

The truth is that Spirit in Action is bigger than just giving or receiving money. We’re about more than “helping” or “serving.” Spirit in Action is about connecting.

Trips and visits like the one that Kathleen King, and Barbara Deal and I took this May-June was about spending time with people. I am more and more convinced that to really know and be known by others, we need to spend a lot time, in different contexts, together.  

(Left to right) Winkly, Baxter, Matthews, Kathleen, and Canaan spending time together, learning and sharing, in Manyamula, Malawi.

I got to spend a lot of time with Barbara in her final weeks. And I got to spend a lot of time with SIA partners, in many unexpected (isn’t all of life unexpected?) and varied situations. In this time of processing and mourning and celebrating, and continued connecting, I am so grateful for this human connection-centered movement of Spirit in Action.

A dear and devoted SIA friend recently sent me some quotes from Glenn Clark about possibility and opportunity following death, or “graduation,” as Glenn called it (a term embraced by Del Anderson and Barbara). So Barbara’s graduation this year, and Del’s graduation in August 2008, give me renewed purpose and calling in my work for global connection, understanding, and support.

“Graduation” inspiration

“One of the greatest truths I have had the privilege of discovering is that when one slips into heaven all [their] soul’s sincere desires that have been bound and limited on this earth-plane become released and multiplied in power by Infinity.” ~ Glenn Clark, Fellowship Messenger Sept-Oct 1954

Also from Glenn Clark, “when I accepted the loss of each loved one not as disaster, but as a blessing–a “graduation” to something higher–then enormous power suddenly surrounded me.”

This captures such a beautiful moment. It was the end of a long day of site visits. I think we visited over 15 Small Business Fund groups in Aboke, Uganda. Barbara still had energy to engage, ask questions, share inspiration and encouragement with Milly and her family. Milly received a small grant from SIA and now Shares the Gift to help many more who are in need in the community.

“(When I) step across the thin partition that separates the seen from the unseen, I expect the Divine Blue Print that God has laid down for world peace will be moving steadily and irresistibly toward fulfillment. Who knows but that my going may facilitate affairs, and actually speed up the fulfillment. For don’t forget that when I die my wishes will be multiplied in power by infinity, and my deepest wish is for permanent peace …”~ Glenn Clark, Fellowship Messenger Sept-Oct 1956

For Barbara, the partnerships cultivated through Spirit in Action was a resonating way of creating world peace. In her work with the Foundation Farthest Out Archives, she embraced a wide and open vision for peace:

“[We are working for] a Kingdom of God Movement of Good Tidings that is destined to spread throughout the world– a movement that can unite all spiritual forces of the world in one common meeting place, the place of prayer.” ~Glenn Clark, “Twenty-five Years with the Camps Farthest Out”, Clear Horizons, Fall 1953

Students playing at Maruge School near Nairobi, Kenya. Students there are from Maasai and Kikuyu communities.

“This is not so much a Movement as an overflowing of the abundance of love and faith that fills our hearts. Without this abundance ‘within us’, there would be no Movement possible ‘outside of us.’ Therefore, the one thing needful is the filling of our hearts with this overflowing of love and faith. This done, all is done. Unlimited good will ensue if out of this overflowing there shall be brought about a uniting of all praying people of all creeds and of all faiths all over the broad world. There is unlimited power in united, earnest prayer. ~ Glenn Clark, Two or Three Gathered Together, 1942

Thank you for sharing and shaping this movement towards peace with me.

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