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SIA Team

5 Things That Make Me Proud

This time of year is a good time for reflection and appreciation so this morning I sat down and wrote out five things about Spirit in Action that make me proud.

Elephants cross the Samburu River in Kenya

Elephants follow each other's path across the Samburu River in Kenya.

  1. We build relationships that are multi-sided and on-going. I learn from SIA partners and they learn from me. We enrich each other’s lives.

  2. We are flexible. SIA responds to the needs and ideas of our partners, rather than dictate the exact approach to address their challenges.

  3. We focus on positive change. You won’t see humiliating photos of children with flies in their eyes on the SIA website. We honor the dignity and joy of our dedicated partners.

  4. We start small. Our small grants give a family or community necessary assistance to make the first step towards their vision for change, without making them dependent on our support.

  5. We share the gift. A SIA grant doesn’t have to be paid back, it has to be passed along to another community member in need. Grant receivers are also gift givers!

May peace be yours in the New Year! We are so grateful for your encouragement and support of SIA worldwide. You can add what makes you proud of SIA in the comment box below. I’d love to hear from all of you!

Gaudenziah and Tanya at Solar Cookers

Tanya visits Gaudenziah at her family's thriving Solar Cookers business in Eldoret, Kenya.

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