1. One of the reason I’m happy today is that Tuesday is the day of my local farmer’s market! This is the height of the growing season here and so there are tasty strawberries, tomatoes, and squash for sale. Just over a year ago, I took a photo as we drove past the farmer’s market in Eldoret, Kenya. They also had a beautiful array of kale, tomatoes, and potatoes. Good food is making me happy this week!

Farmer’s Market in Eldoret, Kenya

Toronto Farmer’s Market
2. Today, Canaan Gondwe of the Manyamula COMSIP Cooperative, emailed me the plans for the cooperative’s future home. The building will house the savings and loans group’s office, as well as a new restaurant, conference room, and accommodation rooms. Canaan writes, “Preparatory work for the project is almost coming to completion. We are burning our last brick oven next week and once the funds come in, we will procure the rest of the materials for the project. By second or third week of September, we begin construction.
3. Feeling myself beloved:
“And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so? I did. And what did you want? To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth.”
(Raymond Carver, 1938 – 1988)
4. New Small Business Fund (SBF) groups in Eldoret, Kenya! In the photo at the top of the page, Dennis Kiprop, SIA SBF local coordinator is conducting a training session for the 5 new business groups and helping them to fill out their detailed Business Plans.

Margaret, along with her husband and son, is starting a business selling plates, cups, and water jugs door-to-door.
5. Spirit in Action is now on Instagram! This website and app enables us share the great photos from our trips and from our partners. There’s only a few photos so far and I’ll be posting more regularly. If you are on Instagram, check us out and start following us!
Have a great week!
