Thanksgiving is a good kick-off to the giving season. Each year it’s a time when co-workers, the church, the media, and families start talking a bit louder about giving: Giving thanks, giving food to those in need, giving gifts to loved ones, giving light to the world. Thank you to those who have already given to Spirit in Action today for #GivingTuesday!
Here are 5 things making me happy as we enter this giving season:
1. New SIA small businesses in Nairobi!
5 new small business leaders in Nairobi have sent their business plans to the SIA office and received their initial $100 grants! (Click on the picture to see the full photo.) The leaders are pictured above with Wambui Nguyo (front in black coat), who is the SIA local coordinator in the area. Wambui and Josephine (front left) work together as a strong team to train and mentor the new groups. These new businesses will be selling:
Used shoes and toys
Milk, door to door
Cell phone accessories and airtime (pay-as-you-go minutes)
Vegetables, tomatoes, onions
2. This reminder that even small acts of kindness can make a difference

3. Celebrating an alternative rite of passage for Samburu Girls in central Kenya
Our partner Margaret Ikiara of CIFORD Kenya will travel 5 hours tomorrow to represent Spirit in Action at the Alternative Rite of Passage for 60 Samburu girls with the Pastoralist Child Foundation. This celebration will be an empowering ceremony of song, dance, and speeches, taking the place of the traditional genital cutting.
Margaret has arranged for several of the girls from Meru (who have celebrated with their own alternative rite) to travel with her so that they can share their experiences with the girls in Samburu. This peer support and collaboration is exactly what SIA is all about!
4. This podcast about why you should give internationally
This great, 13-minute interview highlighted one of the reasons I gave in my blog post on the same topic: Your money goes so much further internationally. Even a small amount can really make a huge difference in someone’s life! Listen to the Tiny Spark episode here:
5. A photo of a newly-trained tailor in her shop!
This woman completed the dressmaking training with Progressive Volunteers (which I wrote about here) earlier this year and now she has her own shop! Look at those beautiful dresses! This is a clear example of how SIA small grants translate into actual jobs and new opportunities for women. Now that’s really making me happy!

Inspired to give on this #GivingTuesday? You can support Spirit in Action by giving online!
