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5,000 words (or 5 new photos)

SIA Team

If a photo is worth a thousand words, this post is worth at least 5,000 words! You should be getting your SIA Newsletter in the mail soon, or you can download a copy here. I always have so many more photos to include than will actually fit in the newsletter, so here are five more for you!

SIA SBF Coordinator, Godfrey Matovu, with his new laptop! Before, he had to keep all his records in notebooks and now he can use this laptop, which was donated by a generous SIA donor..

SIA SBF Coordinator, Godfrey Matovu, with his new laptop! Before, he had to keep all his records in notebooks and now he can use this laptop, which was donated by a generous SIA donor. (Uganda)

Woman with a piglet to share.

Woman with a piglet, which she is going to give away through Sharing the Gift to another family in need. (Uganda) Read more about Sharing the Gift in the SIA newsletter!

Retail fuel business

Ifiok Ubong Friday (in the white shirt) started this retail fuel business with a SIA SBF grant. He has pledged 3% of his profit to help another group get started. (Nigeria)

All Conference attendees in Eldoret.

This group of SIA partners and Small Business Fund Coordinators gathered for 5 days in Eldoert, Kenya this summer. We had people from all over Africa there!

Stella in her kale garden

We visited Stella in her farm with lush kale crops. She rotates the crop between maize/beans and kale to get the maximum yield. (Kenya)

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