Kenyan Peacebuilder Comes to the US!
Romano Iluku, a peacebuilder in Nairobi, Kenya, with SIA Partner Empowering Communities as Actors for Transforming Societies (e-CATS), is...
Kenyan Peacebuilder Comes to the US!
A Tour of SIA Grant Partners
Pressed for Success: Turning Oil into Opportunities in Manyamula
New Grants for 2022!
Mani/Pedis in Uganda
SIA Support for Farmers
The power of groups: Listening Circles in Kenya
Congratulations, Samuel Leadismo!
Farming in the dry Kerio Valley
Meet Fred, Founder of Kiserem Epilepsy Foundation
Expanding the Mothers' Support Programme in Kenya
Successful group therapy for young women in Uganda
The gift of stability: Grant update from Pastoralist Child Foundation