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Wisdom from Del Anderson: God Calling…

SIA Team

Some inspiration to start the new year! The SIA Board reads this piece by Del Anderson at the beginning of each meeting. When I first read it, the language tripped me up a bit. As I have read it more and more, and line by line, it has become a great source of encouragement and inspiration.




By My grace, you have the privilege to be used as My yeast, My salt, to be my quickening Spirit manifested . . . now. For one brief period in history, you may be used to help re-direct the path of humankind and thus change the course of history. If you hear My voice and obey Me, I will use this very small organism called SPIRIT IN ACTION as leaven, as a mustard seed, as Light. Yield yourself to Me, give Me your desires and will, your very self, to be scattered seed, taking deep root in far places on My planet earth. As you obey, I will cause you to die to self and come alive in Me, bringing forth unimaginable abundant fruit.

Green beans growing on Kudabwa's farm in northern Malawi. Some family members stand on the bridge in the background.

Green beans growing on Kudabwa’s farm in northern Malawi. Some family members stand on the bridge in the background.

As you commune and abide in Me, and come into My Spirit-filled Earth Community with brothers and sisters of other lands, you do become My salt, My yeast, My Light. You cannot be total, One and complete in Me until every child of Mine, every lost sheep is brought into My fold. You live by dying, by joyously giving your limited, human, separated sense-of-self for identification, communion and union with Me.

I AM the Jesus Christ individuality within you, stirring, quickening, waiting to be fully released and expressed, brought forth and manifested. Release Me and let Me go forth through you.

A dream has no dimension, no boundaries, no limitations. In Me, you have the Wisdom, Love and Power to be My instrument in bringing My Kingdom into manifestation here and now.

For more inspiration writing from Del, click here.

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