In just four days I and SIA Advisory member (aka my husband) Boyd will be on our way to Malawi!!
This will begin three weeks of site visits and sharing with SIA partners in Malawi, Kenya, and Uganda! Packed are the squish able travel clothes. Packed are the extra pens and crayons, ready to be given out along the way.
Tanya and Boyd in Kenya in 2011.
Week 1 – Malawi
I’m so excited to see the change that has taken place since we were there in 2011. Back then, Manyamula village didn’t have any electricity – light came through objects with batteries or through solar power. Now, many homes have benefitted from a rural electrification program, which I’m sure has changed life for the better! We’ll get to see MALVISALO’s maize mills and new motorbike!
Week 2 – Kenya
We’ve been receiving such exciting reports from our newest Small Business Fund (SBF) leader in Nairobi and now I’ll get to meet Wambui and her groups in the Korongocho slum. I’m looking forward to praying with this diverse group of Christians and Muslims. AND I’m excited to bring a camera (donated by Diana Halpenny) to Wambui, so that she can easily take and send photos of their work.
We’ll also visit Samuel and Rhoda Teimuge and meet the students at the SIA-supported Samro Polytechnic school in Eldoret.
Week 3 – Uganda
Together with the Kenyan SBF coordinators we will drive to Uganda to attend a SIA SBF Coordinator’s conference. There will be time to share, review and improve the SIA SBF micro-grant program, and hear from each other about how SIA really works in each community. And we will finally get to meet the Small Business groups in Uganda – the many mat weavers, brick makers, and potters who have started to change their lives after receiving their $150 grant!
Doesn’t that sound like an amazing and inspiring three weeks?! I’ll be posting sporadically while I’m away and you can expect MANY photos and stories when I get back!
We welcome your prayers for a comfortable trip and many good experiences.