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A letter from Del

SIA Team

Del and Tanya at Del's desk in 2006

Del and Tanya at Del’s desk in 2006

A central part of Del Anderson’s ministry prior to, and continued after, his founding Spirit in Action was writing letters. He wrote regular letters to possibly hundreds of people throughout the US and the world.

I love receiving letters in the mail and I remember Del’s letters were always stuffed with sage advice and funny tidbits of inspiration. Even though he must have been in his 90s by the time he was sending letters to me, there was always a short, heartfelt handwritten note at the top of the page. 

Today I came across a copy of a letter he sent to a lay minister couple in Kenya in 1995. I wanted to share it with you because it captures so fully his love for humanity and his beautiful way of encouraging and affirming those around him. What do you remember from Del’s letters?

February 13, 1995 Dear friends,

Thank you for your letter. Lucile and I, each morning in our quiet time, join you in prayer. We undergird you in your dedicated and difficult ministry of service to so many. Surely, without your presence how much greater the chaos would be.

As I see it, it is only through the simple committed self-giving service of persons like you two that God has any opening to enlighten and nurture the souls of people so they may be aware of the Indwelling Presence within them.

In my life of 88-plus years, I am learning how important it is for me to pray, listen, abide in Christ, and wait and rest in God’s Divine Grace until little by little we each, like the Prodigal Son, come to an awareness that we can’t do it on our own; we must practice daily arising and going to our Father. Then, more and more, we are forgiven and feasted by the Almighty One.

We appreciate you two. Yours in His love, Del & Luicle


One of my favorite envelope stuffers from Del.

For more from Del:

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