1. Sharing the Gift: Five groups of women in Malawi received SIA grants in 2009 to start their own bakeries and grocery shops. Then in May 2011 the women chose to honor the gift they had received from SIA by SHARING THE GIFT with Ms. Mickness Msumba also from their village. They contributed flour, sugar and skills to help Mickness open a scone shop. After one year in business Mickness reports that her business is continuing and that the extra income has helped her family become food secure – with food to last through the whole year! What a blessing.
Women selling baked goods in the Manyamula Market.
2. Organic Agriculture in Kenya: Interesting article about the influence of corporations in defining international agricultural aid policy and then some optimism about organic agriculture in Kenya and the work of Grow Biointensive Agricultural Center of Kenya (G-BIACK). Read the article here: http://www.alternet.org/food/155559?page=entire
Faith Naswa smiles in the field of corn at Common Group/Pathfinder Academy.
3. Grant Update from Kenya: With the part of the profit from their chicken farm, supported by a SIA Community Grant, Common Ground paid high school fees for Faith Naswa, one of the top ten students at their Pathfinder Academy. Faith is the second student on sponsorship with funding from the poultry project. Faith writes, “When I grow up, I would like to become a lecturer or a lawyer. If I become a lawyer, I will make sure high rate of corruption has reduced. I would like to be honesty, faithful and make our lives better.” Congratulations, Faith!
4. What is a CBO?: Great one-minute video describing a community-based organization (CBO). SIA supports several CBOs through our Community Grants. Watch the video here: http://blog.firelightfoundation.org/2012/06/01/what-is-a-cbo/
5. Inspiration from Del: A quote from Del from his writing Choice is Ours. For more from Del, visit a partial archive of his writings.
I am learning, “the great power of prayer is not in asking, but in learning how to receive.” Receiving requires acceptance and willing obedience. It requires us to fasten our gaze on the Christ and let (allow) God to re-make us in His image and perfect pattern.