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Spirit in Action Community Grants support people who are working to make their communities better places. Our partners are supporting people with HIV/AIDS, LGBTI+ individuals, and other marginalized populations. They help farmers. They train tailors and entrepreneurs. They help girls stay in school, and help people save their hard-earned money. In all cases, they are groups of people working together and the outcome is a stronger, more just and prosperous community.


Click on each photo to learn more about the organizations and projects that are Spirit in Action.

Current Grant Partners: Text
Current Grant Partners: Gallery


December 2023

  • Mbeere Family of Brethren (Kenya): Dec 2022: $1,000; Dec 2023: $1,000. Goat project for a community organization. 

  • ​Anthu Aluso Initiative (Malawi): Dec 2023: $1,000. To support women through training in arts and crafts business, to enable them to apply their skills to take care of their communities.


December 2022

  • Caretakers: Grant Nov 2020: $5,000; Dec 2021: $3,800; Dec 2022: $1,000. Training 70 young mothers to make soap and establishing a soap-making operation. Solar powered generator for the soap machine. Caretakers Orphans Education Centre is a community school and community center where families living in Korogocho informal settlement come together for economic and education advancement. 

  • Community Empowerment through Sustainable Grow Biointensive Agriculture (CESBA) (Kenya): $1,000. Training young people in agroecology and sustainable food-raising methods.

  • Matungu Community Development Charity (Kenya) Grant Nov 2020: $3,000; Dec 2021: $1,000; Dec 2022: $4,000. This community organization supports farmers and provides members with low-interest loans. They have a collective poultry farm, including an egg incubator run by a solar panel. The latest grant supports 200 farmers with sustainable agriculture training.

  • Namayimana Curio Women (Kenya) Grants: April 2017: $500; December 2021: $3,578 A SIA grant in 2017 helped this organization of Samburu women construct a shop to sell their handicrafts to tourists in Samburu National Park. This latest grant will help purchase jewelry-making beads, tools, and accessories to hand-produce items for sale.

  • Pastoralist Child Foundation (Kenya) Grants: Dec 2014: $3,506; Dec 2019: $11,370; Nov 2020: $11,000; Dec 2022: $3,700. This organization in Samburu Kenya works for the prevention of female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage by providing support services, education, scholarships and enrichment programs. These grants support staff salaries so that they can run their many excellent workshops and advocacy programs.

  • Platform for Retirees (Kenya): $1,000. Agribusiness skills to enhance the production of cassava and cowpea.  

  • Riley Orton Foundation (Kenya): $1,618. Train students and local farmers in resilient farming practices. 

  • Tombolombo Producers and Marketing Cooperative (Malawi): $4,994. Start a greenhouse project for farmers in Northern Malawi. 

December 2020

  • Women of Change (Kenya). Grant July 2020, $3,000; Nov 2020, $6,615. - Constructing a training hall for community development workshops in Cherangany. Support for farmers in 5 rural communities in western Kenya.


December 2019

  • Flaming Chalice (Burundi) $6,642 - Ten sewing machines and training for pad project.

  • Hope for Relief (Malawi) $7,395 - Construct two girls changing rooms and life skills workshops for girls. Plus 25 bikes for girls to get to school.

  • Kakuuto Development Initiative (KADI) (Uganda) $2,000 - Agricultural development, training women in gardening, skills, and tailoring.

  • ​Manyamula COMSIP Cooperative (Malawi) $7074 – Salaries for the administration team for this community-led organization.

  • Midwife-led Organization for Community Transformation (MILCOT) (Uganda) $2,000 - Outreach and emergency support for sexual reproductive health rights for marginalized women in Kampala.

  • Pastoralist Child Foundation (Kenya) $11,370 - Salaries for the administration team and office expenses for PCF's anti-FGM work.


March 2019

  • CIFORD (Kenya) $5,000 - Workshops for girls, boys and community leaders on the topic of anti-FMG and youth empowerment.

  • Manyamula COMSIP Cooperative (Malawi) $2,100 - Electrical connection for oil processing machine. 

  • Rebuilders Charity (Democratic Republic of Congo) $5,100 - Sewing machines, training classes and start-up grants for 20 women.

  • Sonkoyo Nailepu Women's Group (Kenya) $4,818 - 10 bulls and 20 lambs for Maasai women.

  • Universal Love Alliance (Uganda) $6,352 - Administrative support for humans rights promotion organization.


November 2018


July 2018


November 2017


April 2017

  • Matungu Community Development Charity (Kenya) $3,739 – Formation of a table-banking cooperative with low-interest loans for small-scale farmers.

  • Universal Love Ministries (Uganda) $4,370 – Seven workshops for high school students about LGBT awareness, tolerance and rights. Formation of “inclusivity clubs” to continue the work after the workshops.

  • Caretakers Orphans Education Centre (Kenya) $4,811 – Skills training workshops and supplies for 50 women to learn bead-working and carpet-making.

  • Namaiyana Women’s Group (in partnership with Pastorialist Child Foundation) (Kenya) $500 – Additional funds to complete the construction of their roadside curio shop.

  • Mt. Elgon Peace Initiative (Kenya) $295 – New organizational website.


November 2016

  • Namaiyana Women’s Group (in partnership with Pastorialist Child Foundation) (Kenya) $1,860 – Construct a roadside shop for the women to sell their jewelry to tourists. The women already own the piece of land.

  • Samro School & Polytechnic School (Samuel Teimuge) (Kenya) $5,677 – School fees for twelve elementary school students, and boarding fees for eight students.

  • Hope for Relief (previous named Kawaza Youth Organization) (Malawi) $5,000 – Construct a girls changing room at one school; buy materials for sewing feminine pads; hosting engagement meetings between parents, mother groups, teachers and development committees regarding girls’ rights. All with the aim of enabling more girls to attend school on an uninterrupted basis.


July 2016

**Entrepreneurship Motivation Network (EMNET) (Malawi) $5,000 – Implementing the Junior Achievement Company Program in 5 rural and 5 urban schools in southern Malawi, teaching 250 high school students about running a business.


**Lubengoa Women Development Association (LUWODEA) (Uganda) $5,000 – (*Discontinued partnership.) Purchasing improved tools for making fuel briquettes from recycled raw materials. Training 160 families to produce their own briquettes in order to reduce smoke and deforestation, and earn extra income. 


**Megabridge Foundation (Kenya) $5,100 – Pig rearing and sharing project. Purchasing 10 sows and two boars and building a breeding facility. Piglets will be shared with 70 women in Meru, Kenya.


December 2015

**Community Initiatives for Rural Development (CIFORD) (Kenya) $5,610 – Empowerment Workshops for 65 boys and 65 girls, including anti-FGM training and an alternative rite of passage.


**Manyamula COMSIP Cooperative (Malawi) $6,208 – Additional funds for finishing construction of the training center building. These funds will go towards electrification, additional cement, furniture, and contractor fees.

**Samro School & Polytechnic School (Samuel Teimuge) (Kenya) $4,979 – School fees, including teacher salaries, at the primary school.


July 2015

**Progressive Volunteers (Kenya) $530 – Additional 6-months rent for the dressmaking and tailoring training centre in Nairobi


**Caretakers Orphans Education Centre (Kenya) $4,464 – Bead-working Skills training workshop for 50 guardians of orphans and vulnerable children; 8 weekly classes and materials


**Manyamula COMSIP Cooperative (Malawi) $6,456 – For construction of a building, to be used by the cooperative as office space, conference rooms, restaurant, guest house, and meeting rooms.


December 2014

**Samro School & Polytechnic School (Samuel Teimuge) (Kenya) $5,660 – School fees at the primary and technical schools


**Progressive Volunteers (Kenya) $3,731 – Dressmaking and tailoring training centre in Nairobi


**Pastoralist Child Foundation (Kenya) $3,506 – Girls empowerment workshop, including anti-FGM training and an alternative rite of passage for 60 girls in Samburu


**Community Mobilization Against Poverty (CMAP) (Kenya) $3,000 – Sustainable agriculture training and seeds


June 2014

**Samro Polytechnic School (Samuel Teimuge) (Kenya) $2,484 – Water tank for Samro School


**Kakamega Tsindombela Women’s Group (Kenya) $2,205 – Fish ponds as an income generating activity


November 2013

**Raising the Village (Uganda/Canada) $1,782 – Agricultural development and training in Bucece Village


**Community Initiatives for Rural Development (CIFORD) (Kenya) $3,500 – Empowerment Skills Training Centre; sewing machines


**Welfare Concern International (WCI) (Zambia) $1,933 – Micro-credit training; loans; chicken project


June 2013

**Shape Lives Foundation (Ghana) $1,500 – Micro-credit program for poorest women


**Manyamula COMSIP Cooperative (formerly MAVISALO) (Canaan Gondwe) (Malawi) $1,500 – Motorcycle for the savings and investment cooperative members


**Samro School & Polytechnic School (Samuel Teimuge) (Kenya) $4,858 – Sewing machines  for training at Samro Polytechnic School and computers for all students at Samro schools


November 2012

**Community Initiatives for Rural Development (CIFORD) (Kenya) $2,000 – Girls empowerment workshop, community sensitization workshops, and alternative rites of passage ceremony


June 2012

**Manyamula Savings and Loans Cooperative (MAVISALO) (Canaan Gondwe) (Malawi) $4,000 – Maize Mill to be used by MAVISALO members and rented to the community. Income generating project for MAVISALO.


December 2011

**Community Initiatives for Rural Development (CIFORD) (Kenya) $3,500 – Girls empowerment workshop, community sensitization workshops, and alternative rites of passage ceremony


**Community Initiatives for Rural Development (CIFORD) (Kenya) $645 – Three water tanks for women’s group


November 2010

**Camily Wedende Solar Cooking (Kenya) $100 – Water pasteurization indicators (WAPIs) distribution and promotion


June 2010

**Manyamula Savings and Loans Cooperative (MAVISALO) (Canaan Gondwe) (Malawi) $6,240 – Poultry project (chickens and mash) in order to create a micro-savings group


**Common Ground Program (Kenya) $1,066 – poultry house and chicken rearing business; teaching students to raise chickens; selling eggs


January 2010

**Jacob Lipandasi and Jacky Buhoro (Democratic Republic of Congo) $500 – School tuition for 8 children


June 2009

**Benoit Malenge (Democratic Republic of Congo) $2,224 – Training of trainers in animal husbandry and gardening for displaced people who are returning after violence

January 2009


**Welfare Concern International (WCI) (Zambia) $3,000 – Construction of a training center for the organization’s use and to rent out for additional income

Current Grant Partners: Welcome

Support transformational grassroots change in Eastern Africa!


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