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Gratitude from Marsha Johnson

SIA Team

*This is a guest blog post from Marsha Johnson, SIA Advisory Board member and retired SIA Administrator.


Today I received my Spirit in Action (SIA) Spring/Summer Newsletter, 2011.  What a celebration of hope and accomplishment!  I feel such deep gratitude for these last fifteen years of SIA’s prayerful unfolding.


Joy and gratitude to all those who have been part of SIA as beloved correspondents, faraway co-workers, in-country volunteer Small Business Fund coordinators, business groups, and blessed donors, board members and advisory board members.  And of course, heartfelt thanks to Tanya Thomas Cothran, SIA’s administrator since 2007.  As I read through this beautiful newsletter, I am eternally grateful to God for bringing Tanya to SIA first as a board member, and then as administrator.  It is so exciting to see SIA as part of today’s world, with up-to-date leadership, new young board members, a continually evolving website, and now even a Facebook page!

Woman sews school uniforms in Kenya

Marsha and Dennis met with Gaudenziah (pictured here) during their visit to Kenya in 2007. She runs a school uniform sewing business.

Sharing this earth-path for close to thirty years with Del Anderson enriched my life so deeply.  For eleven of those years, from SIA’s founding in 1996 until 2007, I was privileged to serve as SIA’s administrator.  The early years were very dynamic  as the board formed, SIA’s purposes and mission were prayerfully developed, and we went through the process of becoming a 501(C)(3), not-for-profit organization.

In 2005 my true heart as administrator really came to life when I traveled to Kenya and India with my husband, Dennis, who was board president. What used to be words and photos on a piece of paper, became embraces and tears – sharing home and family, and personally witnessing the incredible power of Spirit in Action’s ministry.

I am so thrilled that Tanya and her husband, Boyd, SIA board member, will travel to Kenya and Malawi this summer and meet SIA’s co-workers face-to-face and heart-to-heart. Their lives will be deeply touched and they will have much to share with us upon their return.

It was Del’s dream that SIA would continue to serve those in need in developing countries.  His dream continues to be fulfilled through all those who take part in Spirit in Action.

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