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Dream large, my soul, dream large

The Manyamula Savings and Loans group makes all decision through consensus.

The Manyamula Savings and Loans group makes all decision through consensus.

Dream large. Such a nice thought, and yet, it takes a conscious effort to look beyond the day-to-day operations of Spirit in Action and consider the big picture, the larger goal.

This week, I came across the dreaming large prompt, “What if, in five years, your organization was fully funded? What would the community where you work look like?”

Setting aside the nitty-gritty details of what fully funding all community organizations in Africa might look like, I took a walk this morning and thought about the vision I hold for SIA’s work. What would success look like?

Here are just a few of my large dreams:

  1. Sustainability: Community organizations that we support are able to continue and expand their programs and businesses through reinvestment, grants from other organizations, and local support.

  2. Spiritual development: Regardless of faith or creed, people in community come together to honor the Divine in each person and encourage each person’s spiritual journey.

  3. Model success: Saving circles and village savings and loans cooperatives act as models for other communities wanting to start similar projects. Peer-to-peer learning and workshops spread ideas that work for reducing poverty and encouraging hope in each community.

Mother and daughter, co-creators with God, selling dried fish in the market in Malawi.

Mother and daughter, co-creators with God, selling dried fish in the market in Malawi.

Co-creators: From Del Anderson, “We are created as junior-partners, ambassadors, and co-creators with the Almighty. The work is not complete until we fulfill God’s divine plan and destiny in our lives by expressing and manifesting ‘God’s kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.’”

  1. Communications: People learn and share the concept of consensus decision-making. This spreads power, welcomes more voices, encourages discussion and listening, and builds solidarity.

  2. Leading organization: SIA is as model for other organizations. We show that a small (and mighty) organization can make a positive impact by focusing on personal connections, compassionate encouragement, and fostering local leadership.

  3. Peace: “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.” Each action I take contributes to peace and harmony, rather than divisiveness and disunity.

How does all that sound? What else would you add to this vision for SIA and the world?

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