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Dear Friend: A Letter From Del

A letter from Del Anderson:

Dear friend,

I can only look at my own journey to see how sure I was that my way was The Way. I look back with sorrow at my Christian beliefs that helped me to say, “Jesus is Lord,” but did little to allow Jesus to live my life. I feel very grateful and humble as I remember the days of ecstasy, my first experiencing, feeling, and knowing my Lord as my living Savior. Yet the experience was tinged and eventually dimmed by my belief that it was my responsibility to see that everyone else find my living Jesus with exactly the same beliefs and experience. I wanted them to use the same words I did. I felt I had an exclusive hot-line with Jesus and that He was telling me how to lead everyone else to exactly the same experience, in precisely the same way.

I did not put my trust and dependency in my Christ, who is anyone’s Savior. I did not trust Jesus as Holy Spirit to stir, quicken, lead and change within the lives of my family and friends. I failed to see that if I really trusted Jesus and gave myself as a living sacrifice to Him, accepting others in His Love and depending upon Him in His Time and Way to bring forth Himself, that this abiding and resting in Him, this looking, loving, longing to be like Him, would allow Him to accomplish His Purposes.

This egocentricity, this desire to play God, kept me from being one with Jesus and helped to separate me from other folks and even turned some precious children of God away from God.

I believe that Jesus accepted everyone where they were (and are). He loved them to their next higher step in the unfolding process of Spirit, in their pilgrimage from sense to soul, from the outer to the Inner, from self to Christ.

I believe Jesus is saying to me, “Love, love, love. Let Me live your life. Abide and rest in My Nature, My Character, My Spirit. Give Me your full attention and I will bring you into an experiencing, knowing Oneness with Me. Let Me really take over your life. Let each person plant, water and cultivate to the highest they can now accept and aspire. I love you and I love them. I need you and I need them. Do not build walls of separation. I, Jesus, am the Way, the Truth, the Life. No one can change or gain save this. I do not need your protection or ability. I AM. I only need your availability. Come! Follow Me! Don’t let your intellectual beliefs and differences separate you from one of My children. Keep your eyes on Me. I am truly your Lord, indeed!”

One with you in His Love, Del

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